Ten and Time

"She just doesn't know when to quit." I hear my mom in my head every single time I find myself in yet another stupid situation I've dug myself into. This time was no different. I had a quick flashback of 16-year-old me snorting another huge line of meth, knowing I'd likely just stepped into territory I couldn't come back from, but not caring one bit. "She's right. Why is she always right." I cursed myself as I dug into my pack for my phone. I was sixty some odd miles into my latest 100 mile effort. It was pitch black. My headlamp battery had died, my charger wasn't working, and I was fumbling trying to find a light--desperate for anything to help me navigate the rocky technical terrain in this section of the Pinhoti Trail. The next aid station was four miles away. Rookie mistake.

Nine Out of 100

I wrote this in 2013, but finally decided to publish today. It took place at the 2013 Pinhoti 100, but it's not a race report. You can learn more about that race HERE. Thanks for reading, and happy trails! I said I'd never do it again, this 100 mile thing. Add that to my list of …

Grindstone 100: Hanging On To Hope

It wasn't a normal 100 for me ...if there is such a thing as a normal 100. Most hundreds hurt in more ways than one. But this one-- it was pure mental, emotional, and physical hell for reasons I could not have foreseen...

The Pistol Vendetta

It was cold in Alcoa, Tennessee that January day. Really cold for a Georgia girl; fourteen degrees to be exact. I was bundled up tightly in my heavy WeatherEdge jacket, old thermal gloves, and layers of sweats, but nothing could ease the bite of the windchill. I pulled my jacket up a little higher over …

Going Rogue at Salton Sea

If you are here looking for a traditional race report on the inagaural Badwater: Salton Sea, you're not going to find it. If you're wanting mileage splits, blister pictures, and name dropping,...you're in the wrong place. This is my story about a journey...and running... it's always about running. COME OUT AND PLAY? So a few months ago, my …

Under Ancient Oaks

It's hard for me to believe that it was two and a half years ago when I ran my first ultra race: Strolling Jim 40 Mile Run. I was bound and determined to prove to myself, my family, my friends..anybody and everybody.. that I could turn my once drug addicted self into someone inspirational. Someone …

100 Miles to Trusting My Gut

All things considered, I had no right being at the Ancient Oaks 100 Mile Endurance Run . But I went anyway, and I'm so thankful I did.... It all starts with a flashback to the week after Hinson Lake 24 hour in late September: I was sitting in the orthopedic's office anxiously waiting for the …

Refined by Fire in the Fort Clinch Furnace

**Forgive me for not editing this thing. It's a rough read. I typed it on my phone, mainly in the middle of the night, and over the course of a few days with my kids constantly vying for my attention! I'll take a look at it again when I get to a computer, but I'm …